Lessons From Pain: the permanence of impermanence

I feel guided to write about a theme that has been coming up in my life a lot lately, and it’s the idea of permanence and impermanence. Fear of change is such a pervasive concept, that I’m not even sure we understand, fully, how it manifests in our lives. I was talking to my friend Angela (not her real name to protect her privacy) regarding the impermanence of things and how we become so attached to ideas of permanence that we forget how much of a blessing change is, can be, and how easy it is to change. Angela’s dilemma stems from the heart, as the person whom she loves recently purchased a home a significant distance away from where she lives at the moment. She asked me, “Does this mean he’s planning a life without me in it?” “Of course not!” I say. “He’s simply establishing himself somewhere.” We further discuss the fact that this guy is in the midst of a job transition and has a lot of things that are up in the air. The ‘permanence’ of having a home may be the o...