Transition Anxiety: It's a real thing

When the final countdown begins and the end is in sight, change is a hard thing to grasp. I'm nervous, you guys. I'm a little bit scared and probably could use all the hugs. My world is completely changing, and I'm the one who's changed it. Again. It's not something that I find helpful to complain about, mind you. Rather, it's just...surreal. Am I ready? Am I really doing this? Now what do I do? I have unlimited options. I have a blank canvas. I have zero attachments. So now what? My heart is a little heavy, if I'm being honest. There are things I will say "goodbye" to that I love--like the people whom I work with, for example. Like people in my life who, while I may not see them every day, I take comfort in knowing they're out there, somewhere, close enough to see in a moment's notice. There are parts about my identity that I will have to let go of as well. There are things I like about myself that are exercised or put to use thro...