The Vine of Life: Ayahuasca, Costa Rica and the journey of a lifetime

When I sit down to write about my experiences in the jungle, I can’t help but conjure memories of reading Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness . While the clear exoticism of "the other" sullies Conrad’s depiction of jungle travails, I have to say that he is correct to assert one, lingering aspect: that the jungle is the mysterious, dark, wild beating heart of all things. The natural, mountainous landscape of Costa Rica bends to the power fire and earth, as its shape has been forged by a history of volcanic activity. Sharp mountains and misty hillsides enclose lush, rocky valleys below filled with butterflies of every color, flowers so red and vibrant that you will wonder how you never saw such a red before, and sounds and smells so primal, you’ll swear they were there at the moment of your birth. The damp, green valleys contain rivers, streams and seemingly sacred crevices which hum to the reverberation of cicada cries. It’s as though you’re living in a science fiction sto...