And so it begins...

Sometimes life calls for us to do things that are crazy. I’ve jumped out of a perfectly good airplane, island-hopped around the British Virgin Islands without a passport, and dyed my hair purple. Sure, many of our “crazy” choices are seemingly benign, but every now and then we do something truly crazy—like quit your job for no reason without another job offer on the table and cash out your retirement to travel around the world. This is my story of doing that truly crazy thing. A year ago, my (now ex) husband and I decided to get a divorce. We didn’t have a bad marriage—quite the opposite, in fact. I can even tell you that I believe him to be an amazing human and I still love him as a person very much. We didn’t have a glaringly apparent, single reason for divorce, but instead had a mound of little things that added up to looking at us both as two people who, perhaps...